Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 2010

Well this is our first blog and it is a little scary to know what to say. Basically we have set this page up as a way for our nearest and dearest (you) to keep up to date with what is happening in the Guess house hold. We hope that our ramblings provide you with some enjoyment. Keeping checking back as big things are a foot so regular updates will be made.
Mike & Rhiannon


  1. JPB: Cool I am the first to comment! Can't wait to hear about what is going on with you guys. Lots of love xoxox

  2. JPB: Cool - I am the first to comment. I can't wait to hear about all that is happening with you guys. Lots of love to you xoxo

  3. i'm your first follower where will you lead me to i ponder bahaha but seriously this is a very cool idea! thanks for inviting me into your world :-) Trina

  4. Very Cool, Love it. Can't wait for all your exciting news, any pitter patters in future!
    Love it and I will show Mollie as she is my computer guru even though she is only 9. She made one for her class and everything!
    Speak soon
    Love Kylie and Family in Qld.
